ICW Powermode holds accreditations for the following:
All ICW Switchboard Designs are ASTA certified. See Jouleline, HD Line, and PDU pages for details.
ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System
Our BMS or Quality Manual consists of a set of operating procedures and check forms that we use to continually monitor and manage operations, processes and product quality across every part of our business.
ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System
Our EMS helps us to reduce our environmental impact, reduce costs associated with waste and recycling as well as to grow business.It also enables ICW Power to meet increasingly high customer expectations of corporate responsibility as well as legal or regulatory requirements.
OHSAS45001:2007 Occupational Health & Safety Management System
Our OHSAS System is an internationally accepted method of assessing and auditing occupational Health & Safety management. It is testimony to our commitment to effective management of health and safety in the workplace and the welfare of our staff and external parties.
RISQS, formerly known as Achilles Link-up, is an independent third party qualification assessment of a supplier’s capability to supply products and services, which for ICW Powermode includes switchgear. Pre-requisites to this qualification assessment and accreditation process include ISO9001, 14001 and an SSIP safety accreditation such as ISO18001. This is a railway industry supplier qualification scheme.
This is a Safety Scheme in Procurement (SSIP). This is essentially to qualify our healthy safety credentials. Using Safecontractor as a competency scheme eases the burden of completing numerous assessments and provides access to a range of major clients who strongly support the scheme.
This is also a Safety in Procurement (SSIP). Commentary as per SafeContractor above.
ICW are pleased to announce their membership of the CPD Certification Service (membership no. 11447) in recognition of technical submittals including their latest presentation entitled ‘Switchgear Arc Flash Clarification’.
You can find out more about our range of products by contacting one of our experienced team – please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Business Development Manager
+44 (0)7943 238 165 | t.fowler@icwpowermode.com